Digital Success Solutions

Organic Traffic and Lead Generation 

Creating a solid, foundation is key for a strong business online presence.

Let's work together

Digital Marketing and Advertising

How important is digital marketing?

With digital marketing, you can reach a much larger audience than with traditional marketing methods and target prospects most likely to purchase your product. Your business can reach a much wider audience online than you will ever be able to reach locally. It is cost-effective, scalable, and measurable to reach a global audience online.

Social media manger working from home

Let's work together

What is Digital Advertising?

Digital advertising is a strategy for promoting a product online. This may be done on social media platforms, search engines, websites, or even in your inbox.

In addition, it's a huge part of the marketing industry now and well into the future.

Marketers paid Facebook $55 billion to advertise their products on Facebook platforms in 2018. That's $55 billion in advertising revenue.

As you can see Digital advertising is a pretty big deal for small and large companies

Alternatively, it can be called "online advertising" or "paid media." All of these terms refer to promoting a product online with the objective of getting conversions (e.g., users signing up for your email list, people buying your product).


pay per click ads

Pay Per Click Ads (PPC)

Targeted ads

Tarketed Display Ads

Search Engine marketing

Search Engine Marketing

Video marketing

Video Marketing

social media advertising

Social Media Advertising

content generation

Content Marketing

email marketing

Email Marketing

Let's Get Started

I starts with a conversation. Let's get together, go over your challenges and needs then I will create an action plan and present you with a quote that fits your budget for you to review. 

Fill in the form below and I will contact you shortly

Did you know...

64% of companies actively invest time and money in SEO.
39% of small business owners plan to invest in digital marketing in 2022 and 2023
23% of small business owners plan to invest in traditional marketing in 2022
Increasing online sales is the number one priority for small businesses in 2022.

source: Guidant financial / Quickbooks

Contact Information & Location

780 699-9383

Edmonton, Alberta


For all businesses, no matter how small, to have an effective, affordable online business presence & social media  strategy to promote their business & protection against challenges like covid


To have a positive impact on small business growth by leveraging best-in-breed Digital Business Development strategies and solutions.


Be recognized as the #1 Digital Business Development Consultant in western Canada.

To help small business grow 25% - 75% or better, year over year.

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